Week 1 - Learning Journal on Git tutorial and Personal Webpage Design

For this week, the assignment is to get familiarise with Git as well as to develop a personal webpage that introduces myself as well as pen my preliminary idea for the final project. This webpage is the assignment itself and the final project idea is included under its own dedicated page.

For the webpage design, I used Sublime Text together with Sea Monkey. I find Sea Monkey very easy to use and it accelerates my learning of the html language greatly
I learn that to make the text and images automatically resizes to fit different devices from W3Schools.com, the html page must have the follow command lines at the <head> section:



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<style type=img {width: 100%;  height: auto;}>  </style>


Auto Sized Image

On Git

Git is completely new to me and took me quite a while to understand what is it and how it works. From the videos I watched and the discussion with my coaches, I have summarize what I understand about Git in the picture below
Git Structure

Thankfully the tutorial within the Fabacademy.org was easy to follow.
Gitbash was already pre-installed in my laptop, so I start using Gitbash and add my Git username and email using the following commands

git config –-global user.name “kokeng1969"
git config -–global user.email “kokeng1969@gmail.com”

Thereafter, I followed the instruction and generated the SSH key successfully
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$kokeng1969@gmail.com”"

After the I displayed the SSH key, copied and added the SSH key 

To display:    cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

The next step was to create the Local Repository, I did not create a new directory and try to directly clone my student repository. 
The cloning process was unsuccessful and I was unable add the index.html nor any other files according to the steps given in the Git  Simple Cheat Cheats.
After consulting my coach Mr Steven, I realized that it is better to create a directory before cloning. After doing this, the cloning is successful.
